Wednesday, March 20, 2013

7 weeks 3 days

Today I went to the local fertility clinic for my 2nd ultrasound. I weighed in at my "normal" weight, AH HA!! Yes!! Granted, I've been sick with the seasonal stuff for a week and a half now, so my appetite is MIA temporarily (or maybe not so temporarily). I've also noticed how "faintish" I have been in the mornings if I don't eat something the instant I wake up. I felt this way when I was pregnant with my son. I also feel nauseous, mostly in the morning, but also during the day and evening if I don't have something in my stomach. Nothing tastes good, even though it sounds SOOOO good and I obsess about something all day, when it comes down to it, I'm simply not feelin' it. But that's ok. I feel pretty good and am happy that I'm not throwing up.......yet. I keep wondering if it will just hit me, like BAM, one morning I'll be driving to work and have to pull over. I felt like I was about to throw up on the gas station cashier yesterday, that was probably the first real bout of severe nausea that I felt. Again, nothing to complain about, I'm happy I can still stomach what I need to, and look at the bright side, I'm back to my original weight, which I tried so hard to get to before we started round 2. I've heard of so many surrogates feeling like death with terrible morning sickness the majority of their first trimester and sometimes the entire pregnancy.

The ultrasound showed two beautiful babies, measuring right on time with wonderful heartbeats. I was happy to hear that. Unfortunately, the bleed in my uterus is fairly large. When I asked the nurse how she would compare mine to others (she's seen several of them), she said mine was much bigger than the average. It worried me. Of course. She also said that it looked like old blood and clotted, so it doesn't appear to be growing or producing new blood, which is great. I expected to hear from the physician when he got the report, expressing concern and possibly restricting me again (bedrest or similar). But, much to my surprise, I simply received an e-mail from the nurse stating that "everything looks great, keep doing what you're doing, go in for another ultrasound in 10 days". I asked about the bleed and what my restrictions I able to go back to the gym, even just to walk on the treadmill? Are my boyfriend and I able to.....ahem......resume our "activity"? For those of you who are not familiar with IVF, women are placed on strict pelvic rest for a period of time.....a sometimes very long period of time, before, during, and after the IVF procedure. The answer to my questions were; no working out, no lifting more than 5 lbs., no activity outside of my daily work and home activities, and no resuming activity with my boyfriend. I get the reasons for everything and will do what I need to do, or not do, but it is just another part of the process that some people don't realize and it can be difficult and feel like torture at times. I will be a crazy woman if I get put on bedrest.....and I am all too familiar with the probability that it can happen, so I need to do as I'm told to avoid that as much as possible at this time.


1 comment:

  1. Oh jeez. Abstinence sucks bad enough without it being a pelvic rest situation. Ours got extended because after I had already started the meds and therefore began abstinence the plan changed regarding testing the embryos and therefore having to wait another week (or two - I don't remember) instead of a fresh transfer. I also had a week of pelvic rest for a SCH (I know, just a week). I'm sorry!!! Hang in there! I hope you are cleared on all fronts soon. Congrats on the healthy little babies!
