Thursday, October 11, 2012

1st ultrasound

October 10th - first ultrasound, we were all looking SO forward to that! I went to the monitoring clinic that I have been going to for this entire process. The first person I see in the clinic is the "bad" nurse (by bad, I just mean that drawing blood is not her strongest point). Mid-draw, the nurse asks "so what type of treatment plan are you on". I asked what she meant by that and she asked if I was going to be an egg donor or a surrogate or what. HUH?! Keep in mind, she has the orders which clearly state "estradiol, progesterone, and P-R-E-G-N-A-N-C-Y ultrasound" right in front of her. When I explained that I was there for my bloods and my very first pregnancy ultrasound to detect heartbeat, she had this very confused look on her face and said "oh, we don't do those". WHAT?! I think I've been doing a very good job of keeping my cool for the most part, with all these hormones and being just plain pregnant, but this annoyed me. The crazy hormonal pregnant part of my mind actually thought, "I'm not leaving without the ultrasound, I'll do it myself!". But lets get real, I left the clinic and let my coordinator know that the clinic does not do these ultrasound for people who are not "their" patients. Of course the only thing I wanted to do was pout and cry. I really feel that the hormones do not affect me until plans change. When plans change, things get pretty ridiculous.

Having a rockstar for a coordinator helps tremendously; I was able to get in for my ultrasound at another clinic just a couple of hours later.

I wasn't able to view the screen, so I was trying to read the nurse's expression and seeing her squint was making me nervous. I finally asked "so..can you see how many are in there? Do you see a heartbeat? Does everything look ok?". Her answers: "yes, I see one fetus and everything is measuring right on track". Phew! What a relief!

Here is a pretty little picture of what I hope will turn out to be one very healthy baby :)