Saturday, June 23, 2012

6.20.12 - Check up in California

I haven't updated my blog in a while because there wasn't much excitement to add to it. This is very much a hurry up and wait type of thing and I tell this to a lot of our potential surrogates that are coming through the agency. I don't mind waiting, I have the best IPs a surrogate could ever ask for :) For my birthday they sent me a bouquet of BEAUTIFUL purple flowers (purple IS my FAVORITE color.......they had no idea...I give them extra points for that one:). They are already so wonderful and very thoughtful. I couldn't ask for better, I adore them already. Although, it is always difficult for me to accept a gift. I am so very grateful that it was me that they chose to go through this exciting journey with them. I really hope that I'll be the one to help them become parents.

On Wednesday, June 20th, I flew to CA for my check-up at the fertility clinic. It was a very LONG day for many reasons, but very worth it and I'm happy to have had the experience. I chose to do it all in one day because I thought it would be less expensive for my IPs (no hotel, no more meals, no more lost wages than just the one day, etc.), and I thought it would be better for me to only be gone for the day because of work and family.

When I finally arrived at the clinic (I say finally because it was a miracle that I even made it there after everything!), I met with the staff and the Dr. They are all absolutely wonderful and took very good care of me.

First, I had the dreaded blood draw. When the nurse took me back to draw my blood, I casually mentioned to her that I was informed that they needed to take a LOT of blood for this, and that I'm a fainter. It's not the needles that I'm afraid of, it's the fact that it's going into my vein and no matter how calm I am during the blood draw, I almost always wind up white as a ghost with my head between my knees for the next 30 minutes...........and sometimes I even wind up on the floor. Ugh.

The nurse was very kind and had me lay down. I think she was expecting me to freak out, throw a tantrum, and thrash around like a 5 year old - which I DON'T ever do.......instead, I secretly freak out inside of my head........that way, it's much quieter and it's only me that gets freaked out, not the entire staff :) She stole 7 vials of my blood and I didn't feel a thing! Can't I just fly out to CA every time I need my blood drawn?! Apparently I'm not the only patient that's amazed by her skill, she was once told by another patient that she's a good prick, ha ha!

After my blood work, the Dr. completed a pap, vaginal ultrasound, looked inside my uterus with a scope (hysteroscopy) and used a "test" catheter. I have no idea why, but I was shocked to see that both of my ovaries were still in there. I thought for sure they would have spontaneously combusted by now. Isn't that what happens when you've been pulling your hair out and challenged by your child every single day since birth? Guess mom had three of us! I learned after my first :), and I'm only half-joking, HA!

After the pap and the ultrasound, the Dr. put a small scope up into my uterus to ensure that there weren't any polyps. He said it looked very healthy. Sounds like the baby/babies will be very happy and comfy in there when the time comes! He also put a "test" catheter in through my cervix just to make sure he wouldn't have any trouble when it comes time for the transfer. All of that took about 5 minutes............when I mentioned how quick it was and that I was surprised, he reminded me that it wasn't a social event..........very funny:). He also made the comment "I can see how you get pregnant so easily"..............I was a little confused, we had already talked about my ONE and ONLY pregnancy, and that comment made it sound like I was Mother Hubbard. But I'll admit, my one and only pregnancy did happen quite easily.

After all of that, we went back to the Dr.'s office and sat down so he could draw up a medication protocol for me when it comes time to prepare for the transfer. It was what I expected after having heard from other surrogates through our agency who have been to the same clinic, but it was great to hear all of this from the Dr. himself.

I made it home, tired and worn out, but very excited to be "on our way" to the next step! Now it's up to the guys to find their egg donor (they've had some set backs with the ones they had chosen originally). Although I'm VERY eager to move forward and finally get to the transfer, I also understand that this is a big decision for them and that they need to choose wisely. I'll be excited for them when they can finally find one that they will be happy with and ready to move forward with.

I'm really looking forward for Terry and I to be able to go back to CA when it comes time for the transfer. We'll get to meet the guys in person and spend some time with them and we'll also get to explore a little before the transfer, and hopefully enjoy a nice walk on the beach!

Right now, it's looking like a September transfer at the earliest if the guys select a donor by the end of the month.

Stay tuned for more news later on!

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